With the summer in full flow, and the weather being so pleasant of late, it's been a good season for baby birds. On a sunny patch of grass by the woods I watched a young Magpie being fed by its parent.
"Feed me, feed me!"...
"More, more...."They flew off towards the stream, cackling and squawking. The smaller birds wisely kept their distance from the dangerous duo... except one.
Oblivious to any threat, this little chap just sauntered about without a care in the world. She wasn't going to survive out in the wilds for long with such a reckless disregard for danger. There were Magpies, Crows, dogs, cats, foxes, as well as Sparrowhawks all out and about looking for an easy snack.After a bit of a chat, Budgie and I decided that it would be probably for the best if she came home with me.
She's a pretty bird even though it does look like she's only got one leg. I can assure you that there are actually two!