The little chappy was FURIOUS!!! He'd spent the time building the nest, collecting the sticks, twigs, crisp packets and polystyrene cups, and weaving them into a floating masterpiece.
Now there was some... something sitting in it.
Actually, what the hell is that thing?!
It didn't matter he thought. If it wasn't a lady Coot, then it shouldn't be in there.
It certainly wasn't anything he'd seen before. Foreign he thought, definitely foreign. That must be why it didn't understand the usual Coot calls and warnings.
Well, it better not be there tomorrow, or... or.. or..., well, it better not be there...
Note:- I assume this Terrapin is a discarded pet. They're certainly not indigenous. I'd love to know if it's managed to grow to this size since it's been released, and how it manages in the winter. The ever warming climate should work in its favour.