The little chappy was FURIOUS!!! He'd spent the time building the nest, collecting the sticks, twigs, crisp packets and polystyrene cups, and weaving them into a floating masterpiece.
Now there was some... something sitting in it.
Actually, what the hell is that thing?!
It didn't matter he thought. If it wasn't a lady Coot, then it shouldn't be in there.
It certainly wasn't anything he'd seen before. Foreign he thought, definitely foreign. That must be why it didn't understand the usual Coot calls and warnings.
Well, it better not be there tomorrow, or... or.. or..., well, it better not be there...
Note:- I assume this Terrapin is a discarded pet. They're certainly not indigenous. I'd love to know if it's managed to grow to this size since it's been released, and how it manages in the winter. The ever warming climate should work in its favour.
thanks for the comments, the eclipse site for me would have been Wuhan, inland from Shanghai, see the website for maps.
We have turtles in our local ponds, about 8 inches across and they survive winter with frozen ponds, I wonder if they hibernate in a hole above the waterline, ours are very timid and dive in the water when approached.
Not tempted to take the terrapin home as a pet?
Oh poor old Coot, its having my sort of day LOL The turtle is an interesting specimen, and seems to have done very well indeed! I know some turtle hibernate, but I dont know if all do...maybe only the ones in the cold climates? Hmm, youve got me curious now.
Always interesting stuff when you post Barkfoot, Cheers!
wow... I am surprised at the terrapin as well... I am also going to wager on it being a discarded pet.
I hope the Coot charges rent.
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