It swung low over the rooftops, skimmed the rear gardens, and positioned itself to land at the junction of two roads.
It sunk below the outline of the suburban skyline and out of sight.This is when the trouble started...
A policeman approached me. He asked if I was affiliated with the press, and what was I taking photographs of. I politely explained that I was just a local caught up in the traffic taking some shots of the air ambulance overhead. He then began ranting on about seizing my cameras as evidence! He was rude, aggressive and intimidating. I was shocked. I was told that I wasn't allowed to take photos. Although I was incandescent with rage, I didn't want to be arrested, or have my cameras taken, so I retreated into a side road.
With the cameras tucked under my coat I returned and attempted to blend in with the crowd. Just in time to witness another photographer suffer similar treatment. This time the police were trying to use anti-terror laws to stop him taking photos. He knew his rights, stood his ground, and informed them that they had no right to seize his camera, or prevent him from taking pictures. He was threatened with arrest for a public order offence and manhandled to a car by the policeman! Credit to the guy, he stated his case clearly, he had committed no offence and was well within his rights to take photographs on a public road. They reluctantly let him go.
Out of sight, the turbines of the helicopter whined into life. The thudding of the rotors grew louder as it emerged above the roof tiles. The police were distracted so I took the opportunity to snap a few shots...
After the helicopter left, I made conversation with the other photographer. I could tell he was very annoyed by the police. He was amazed at their ignorance of the law and of the public rights. We'd both encountered this abuse before, and I'm sure I will again.It turned out that the incident was just a traffic accident. There was no reason to evoke anti-terror laws. I didn't hinder or obstruct anyone in any way. I didn't intrude on the casualties privacy. There was simply no reason to stop anyone from taking pictures. What was particularly hypocritical was the professional video camera crew (full size on the shoulder TV camera, plus sound man) that were shadowing the emergency services at close quarters filming the casualties from barely 6 foot away!
The police are misusing, and abusing these anti-terror laws as I suspected they would when I wrote a blog post about them when they first came into existence last year. (Read it HERE) I will continue to take photos and strive to prevent the spread of this new branch of the police... 'The Orwellian Nightmare Unit'.