Sometimes you just get one of those nights. Usually it's warm and dry, mild night madness....
How, on a straight section of 30mph road do you manage to spin your van 180 degrees and wedge it backwards in some ones doorway?
"Have you had a drink tonight Sir?" "No, ociffer!"
"Well, I was on my way home, and turned into my drive as usual...but it was gone.""This isn't even my road... it's the council moving the signs about"
2am... 7 police cars, 3 ambulances, 1 paddy wagon and 2 riot vans. A normally placid pub had erupted into violence. Punches, wrestling in the road and broken bottle fights.
I didn't venture closer with the camera until things had calmed right down.
From the various conversations there seemed to be a 101 different causes that sparked off the violence...."Tracy had a 'tramp stamp' and it wasn't from Dave, but she's getting to married to Darnell innhe?!" "It was the posh lot being tossers again" "Trevor started it by not hitting Goldie?!" "The cops made it bad innit by nicking em innit?" All seem perfectly valid reasons for sticking a broken bottle in the face of the guy you were drinking with all night.
"No Dave stop struggling, you'll make i worser." "When I get these cuffs off I'm gonna give you a kickin copper" "AAah! Me arm, garoff me arm" "Dave, stop ee...there's more comin" "F*&k off Trace"