Saturday, 29 December 2007

Hoar Cross Downhill Soapbox....

I missed this event last year, but this time I was determined to see it. Professionally filmed and relayed to a huge screen at the bottom of the run, this was the 'Downhill Soapbox' competition.

Organised by MAD (Meynell Arms Drinkers (a local pub)), this charity event raised £56,000 last year!

The karts are run down the steep 1/2 mile course of School hill from Hoar Cross Hall to the Meynell Arms pub....where you WILL need a drink.

There weren't so many crashes ('over the hedges', cos that's where the debris get thrown) this year, but Santa did mangle his sled, causing concerns over 'elf and safety'.

The Flinstones 'rock'eted past, their feet going like the clappers.

'Postman Pat' was there with his 'black and white cat'..... less of a cat and more of a sex kitten, you can't see it in the photo but she had a really cute tail!

Bentley was there, demonstrating their racing heritage with a little class.

The USAF had entered a deceptively simple looking kart, but on closer inspection revealed some precision engineering and alloy welding to die for...... OK, so I like engineering!!

Some of the creations were heavyweights with hydraulic disc brakes to prevent the inevitable......

..... others relied on lightweight and the hay bales at the bottom of the course for 'braking'.

'Monster Kart'!!!!! Over forty foot in length, the Coca Cola lorry with private Reg plate 'P3PSI' (Pepsi), complete with LED marker lights and 'spinners' was the result of a months hard work and might end up as a pile of plywood should the run go wrong....

The notice informs Coca Cola which company it should take to court..... Yes, you could take them to court and cop a load of bad publicity, or just donate £10,000 to a worthwhile charity and reclaim your good name. (Oh, and by the way Mr. Pepsi £20,000 would score some 'browny points as well!!!)

This post continues below in video form.... It took me flipping ages to download all this stuff to Blogger, so you better well watch it..... Sorry, I mean, the following post is offered courteously for your perusal!


LesleyinNM said...

That looks totally fun! I love that Flintstones one!

"M2" said...

very cool,
I like the coffin.
I am surprised you did not make one and partake in the fun.
watching isn't your style.

JLee said...

Looks like great fun. I like the Flintstones one! ha

JLee said...

I just realized I sounded just like Lesley. Great minds! lol

Joe Masse said...

Wow, some of those rods were bookin'!

Nasa should use purple haze to fuel the space shuttle.

Insight! Insight! If all the roads were inclined slightly downhill, the energy crisis could be solved tomorrow. Are they working on this?

vicci said...

Ooooh this looks fun....the cocoa cola truck is also looks like it is very cold....

steve said...

now i wonder why they call us brits slightly eccentric

PS all kudos for you trying to protect the woods , has nobody told the rich and spoilt that we need the trees to help our planet or are they so insulated that they think it doesn't apply to them


Unknown said...

I wanna go to this event BUT WHERE IS IT ....A postcode would help All i know is it is hoar cross Staffordshire? I need info I wich to camp / caravan....Paul